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COUNCIL NOTES: Capital funding shortfall, water supply on agenda

COUNCIL NOTES: Capital funding shortfall, water supply on agenda

Bradford council will also discuss a proposed event strategy, new park design during meeting Tuesday night
Bradford asked to 'pump the brakes' on proposed fourplex plan

Bradford asked to 'pump the brakes' on proposed fourplex plan

Several residents and councillors call for more public feedback before issue comes to council for decision
'The system worked': Province to continue free well-water testing

'The system worked': Province to continue free well-water testing

Decision gives 'real clarity' to about 3,200 Bradford West Gwillimbury residents who worried about possible phase out, councillor says
'Significant project': Bradford Bypass moves a step closer to reality

'Significant project': Bradford Bypass moves a step closer to reality

Minister of Transportation announces province has awarded a $16M contract to AECOM for detailed design of the western portion of the bypass
'The right thing': Bradford councillors pass their 57% pay raise

'The right thing': Bradford councillors pass their 57% pay raise

Phased approach also includes significant salary increases for mayor, deputy mayor
'Excited' councillor named Conservation Ontario vice-chair

'Excited' councillor named Conservation Ontario vice-chair

‘It’s a really important time to have conservation authorities getting that balance right between environmental protection and smart growth,’ says Bradford's Jonathan Scott
Bradford councillors give themselves a 'fair' 53% pay raise

Bradford councillors give themselves a 'fair' 53% pay raise

‘You need to be compensated fairly, and it starts right here at this table so we can pass those fair compensations on to everybody else in our community,’ says mayor; council also voted to make mayor's position full time this term
Mayor 'disappointed,' seeks movement on Bradford growth plan

Mayor 'disappointed,' seeks movement on Bradford growth plan

While approvals are still pending for growth targets as well as county and provincial policies, the amount of land available for development in town is running out
New details emerge in 'fantastic' plan for Bradford’s future town hall

New details emerge in 'fantastic' plan for Bradford’s future town hall

Part four-storey, part two-storey design includes administrative building auditorium/council chamber, double gym, community room, public meeting rooms, public plaza and more
'Not responsive enough': Town joins call to update FOI Act

'Not responsive enough': Town joins call to update FOI Act

Push over Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act comes in response to correspondence from the Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario
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